Informational brochure for Butte County
In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority.
brochure PDF
client: Butte County Public Authority |
2005 Holiday catalog for Woof & Poof.
The Chico based business sells their line of textile products
nationwide. Richly colored and textured fabrics are a trademark
of the company.

client: Woof & Poof |
A brochure for the College of Business
at CSUC listing the opportunities one has available after
obtaining a degree.
brochure PDF
client: California State University, Chico |
These brochures are part of the
marketing roll-out by the CSUC College of Business to introduce
a new major, Business Information Systems, to students and their
client: California State University, Chico |
Link is an annual publication sent out
by the CSUC, College of Business (COB). It has information
about students, alumni and news about the COB.
Link 2002 PDF
client: California State University, |
Olint is a publication which offers information
about high-density olive orchards, olive oils, machinery and
client: Nurstech, Inc. Gridley, CA |