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Informational brochure for Butte County In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority.

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client: Butte County Public Authority

2005 Holiday catalog for Woof & Poof. The Chico based business sells their line of textile products nationwide. Richly colored and textured fabrics are a trademark of the company.

client: Woof & Poof

A brochure for the College of Business at CSUC listing the opportunities one has available after obtaining a degree.

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client: California State University, Chico

These brochures are part of the marketing roll-out by the CSUC College of Business to introduce a new major, Business Information Systems, to students and their families.


client: California State University, Chico

Link is an annual publication sent out by the CSUC, College of Business (COB). It has information about students, alumni and news about the COB.

Download Link 2002 PDF

client: California State University,

Olint is a publication which offers information about high-density olive orchards, olive oils, machinery and more.


client: Nurstech, Inc. Gridley, CA

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